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[ 转贴自:本站原创    点击数:3630    更新时间:2006/9/28 ]


从06年10月1日开始,中国公民可以申请"R2" 的工作准证进入新加坡工作,允许在新加坡工作的最长时间为4年;该准证没有教育程度的要求。而高中以上文凭的中国公民可以申请“R1”的工作准证,雇主被准许留聘他们最长15年;持有工作准证者在新加坡取得“SET-1 ”资格的中国公民也有同样待遇。

Change in criteria for PRC WP holders

With effect from 1 Oct 06, PRC work permit holders (WPHs) can enter on the R2 pass (unskilled levy) without educational requirements. Those PRC WPHs that possess at least high school/diploma qualifications can qualify for the R1 pass (skilled levy). Those PRC WPHs that possess the relevant SET-1 qualifications can continue to qualify for skilled levy as well (this is already in effect). Employers can retain their skilled PRC WPHs for 15 years. As for unskilled PRC WPHs on R2 passes, the maximum employment period will be reduced from 6 years to 4 years, in line with unskilled WPHs in general.

Source :  Ministry of Manpower, Singapore
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