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[ 转贴自:本站原创    点击数:7569    更新时间:2010/5/14 ]

标准海事通信用语--Part 1




Dangerous goods危险货物

Power supply 供电

I am not under command我船失控

I am making water 我船漏水

I am sinking我船正在下沉

Foam extinguishers 泡沫灭火器

CO2 extinguishers 二氧化碳灭火器

Fire pump消防泵

Medical assistance医药援助

Fire fighting消防,灭火

Fire fighting assistance消防援助

Flooding 进水

I have leak below water line我船水线下有渗漏

I have dangerous list我有危险横顷

I am in critical condition  我处在危急状况中

I require escort 我需要护航

I have collided with  我与 …… 发生碰撞

Unknown vessel/object不明船舶物体


Iceberg 冰山

I have minor/major damage above/below water line 水线以上/下有小/较大损坏

Propeller/rudder damaged推进器/舵损坏

Grounding 搁浅

On rocky/soft bottom在岩石/软质海底上

Jettison cargo 抛弃货物

To refloat重新浮起

List, danger of capsizing横顷,倾覆危险

I am in danger of capsizing我船有倾覆危险


Disabled and adrift丧失航行能力和漂流

I am adrift near position…我船在……漂流

Armed attack/piracy武装袭击/海盗抢劫

I am under attack of pirates我船被海盗袭击


Undesignated distress 未指明的遇险

I have problems with…我的 ……有问题

I have problems with mass disease 我船发生集体患病

Abandoning vessel    弃船

Engine and equipment机器和设备

Dangerous substance of IMO-Class… IMO 危规第……类危险品



Oil clearance assistanc除油援助

Ice damage  冰损

Wind direction and force风向和风力

Wind is backing/veering风向逆转和顺转

Latest tropical storm warming最新大风警报

Force Beaufort蒲福氏风级

Hurricane  飓风

Tropical cyclone  热带气旋

Tornado 旋风

Willy-willy 威利-威利


Barometric change  气压变化

Position, path and speed of advance of tropical storm热带风暴的位置,路径和移动速度

Within radius of …mails of center距离风暴中心半径为 ……的范围内

Safe/dangerous semicircle安全/危险半圆

Sea state 海况


Tsunami/abnormal wave海啸/异常浪

Restricted visibility due to mist/fog, precipitation由于雾,降水能见度受限制

Due to mist/fog, precipitation 由于雾和降水

Ice expected to break up/to open冰预计会破碎/解冻

To drift away漂离

To freeze together冻结

Floating ice浮冰

Pack ice浮冰群


Volcanic activities火山活动



Abnormal tides异常潮流

Charted depth of water海图上标示的水深

Navigational warming航行警告



Off station移位


Alterative 变更

New and moved新设和移动

Super buoy大型浮标

Hazardous mine危险水雷

Unlit derelict vessel无灯的遗弃船

Off air停止工作,关闭

Sea bottom characteristics, wrecks 海底特征,沉船


Located             据测(当位置通过测量或用其他方法得到确定时使用)

Uncharted reef/rock/shoal 海图上未标明的暗礁/礁石/浅滩

Dangerous wreck/obstruction危险 沉船/碍航物

Cable, pipeline and seismic/hydrographic operations电缆,管道和地震勘探/水文作业

Survey vessel测量船

Current meter测速仪

Hydrographic instrument水纹仪表

Dredging operation疏浚作业

Off-shore installation近岸装置

Diving operations, tows潜水作业拖带

Tanker transshipment油船转船作业


Gunnery exercises射击演习

Rocked firing exercises火箭发射演习

Missile ordnance exercises导弹发射演习

Torpedo ordnance exercises鱼雷发射演习

Underwater ordnance exercises水下武器演习

Mine cleaning operation 扫雷作业

Fishing gear  鱼具

Fishing gear fouled my propeller(s)鱼具缠绞我的螺旋桨

Environmental protection communications 环境保护通信

Located oil spill in your wake  发现你船航迹中有溢油

I require floating booms/oil dispersants我需要围油拦/驱油剂

Locates vessel incinerating/dumping chemicals/waste in position发现船舶在……处焚烧/倾倒化学品/垃圾

Pilotage  引航

I am holder of pilotage exemption Certificate 我有引航免除证书

Pilotage is compulsory 引航是强制的

Suspend/resum    暂停/恢复

Rig accommodation ladder in combination with pilot ladder安放与引航员梯合用的舷梯

Pilot ladder has broken steps/loose steps/broken spreaders too short 引航员梯有损坏的梯板/松动的梯板 /损坏的加长梯板/加长梯板太短

Propulsion system    推进系统

Engine is diesel/turbine主机是内燃机/透平机

Is engine-room manned or is engine on bridge control机舱设备是由人工操纵还是驾驶台遥控?

Is extra power available in emergency 紧急时,有额外功率可用吗?

Controllable/fixed pitch propeller可变螺距/固定螺距螺旋桨

Right-hand/left-hand propeller右旋/左旋螺旋桨

Single propeller/twin propellers   单螺旋桨/双螺旋桨

Bow thruster/stern thruster 首侧推器/尾侧推器

Turn inward/outward内旋/外旋

Maximum manoeuvring power/revolutions最大操纵功率/转数

Helicopter and Ice-breaker operation Phrases直升机和破冰船作业用语

I require helicopter to pick up persons 我需要直升机进行人员救助

Are you ready for helicopter? 你准备好接应直升机吗?

Make identification signals请发识别信号

Making identification signals by smoke (buoy) /search light/flags/signaling lamp 正在用烟雾(浮标)/探照灯/旗号/信号灯作为识别信号

Relative wind direction  相对风向

Keep wind on starboard/port bow/quarter保持右/左前/后舷迎风

Indicate landing area/pick-up area  指示降落区/起吊区

I will use hoist/rescue sling/rescue net/rescue litter/rescue seat/double lift 我将使用吊索/救生索/救生网/救生担架/救生椅/救生双吊索

Ice-breaker operations破冰船作业

Keep lookout for sound and visual signals注意声号和视觉信号

Vessel Traffic Service (VTS) Standard Phrases交管系统标准用语

Name, call sign /identification 船名,呼号/识别

Flag state    船旗国

Last port of call上一个挂靠港


Be trimmed by the head/the stern  首倾/尾倾

Be on even keel平吃水

Information Service (These phrases are normally transmitted from the shore)                                      信息服务(这些用语通常右岸上发出)

Unlit derelict vessel  未点灯的被废弃船

Hazardous mine危险水雷

 Oil slick浮油

Hampered vessel碍航船

Shore based radar assistance岸基雷达帮助


Astronomical observation天文观测

Range scale(雷达)距离量程

Starboard/port limit of fairway航道右/左界限

Way point 航路点

Is parallel with…与 …… 平行

Is diverging from/converging to偏离/靠拢 ……

Traffic lane 通航分道

Emergency anchorage应急锚地


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