最新公告: 热烈恭贺厦门AEIS(爱狮)考前培训班下列同学考上新加坡政府中学快捷班:厦门陈同学 ADMIRALTY SEC 美雅中学、厦门杜CORAL SEC 云海中学、厦门吴同学 YUSOF ISHAK SEC 尤索夫依萨中学、福建将乐肖同学 GREENVIEW SEC 青景中学、合肥徐同学 CHANGKAT CHANGI SEC 尚育中学、汕头 郑同学 BEDOK GREEN SEC 育青中学、北京洪同学QUEENSWAY SEC 女皇道中学、成都殷同学GREENRIDGE SEC 群立中学、成都唐同学GREENVIEW SEC  北京余同学考上文礼中学
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  coal cake 煤饼

  coal car 煤车

  coal charging car 装煤车

  coal charging machine 装煤机

  coal chute crane 斜槽煤吊

  coal combine 联合采煤机

  coal conveyer 运煤机

  coal cracker 碎煤机

  coal crusher 碎煤机

  coal crushing machine 轧煤机

  coal cutter 采煤机

  coal cutter-loader 联合截煤机

  coal cutting machine 截煤机

  coal cutting pick 挖煤镐

  coal drier 煤干燥器

  coal drilling rod 钻煤杆

  coal drop 溜煤槽

  coal dust ball stove 煤球炉

  coal dust 煤粉

  coal feeder 给煤机

  coal furnace 燃煤炉

  coal gas 煤气

  coal grinding machine 磨煤机

  coal grinding mill 磨煤机

  coal hammer 敲煤锤

  coal hopper 煤炭漏斗

  coal in lump 块煤

  coal loader 装煤机

  coal meter 煤量计

  coal mill 磨煤机

  coal mine gallery excavator 煤矿坑道掘进机

  coal mine safety monitoring system 煤矿安全监控系统

  coal mining machine 采煤机

  coal naphtha 煤石脑油

  coal picker 选煤机

  coal pitch enamel 煤焦油沥青漆

  coal planer 刨煤机

  coal pulverizer 碎煤机

  coal screen 煤筛

  coal scuttle 烟炭桶

  coal ship 运煤船

  coal shiploader 煤炭装船机

  coal shovel 煤铲

  coal smoke meter 煤烟浓度计

  coal stove 煤炉

  coal tar colour 煤焦油颜料

  coal tar determination apparatus 煤焦油测定器

  coal tar dye 煤焦油染料

  coal tar electrode pitch 煤焦油电极沥青

  coal tar epoxide paint 环氧煤焦油漆

  coal tar epoxy bui ld paint 厚浆型环氧沥青漆

  coal tar epoxy resin 煤焦油环氧树脂

  coal tar oil 煤焦油

  coal tar pitch 煤焦油沥青

  coal tar soap 炭油皂

  coal tar 煤焦油

  coal tar-heater 煤焦油加热炉

  coal thrower 抛煤机

  coal tongs 火钳

  coal transporter 输煤机

  coal truck 煤车

  coal unloader 卸煤机

  coal wagon 煤车

  coal washer 洗煤机

  coal water pump 煤水泵

  coal 煤炭

  coal-consumption gauge 煤耗计量表

  coal-distributing machine 撒煤机

  coal-fired boiler 烧煤锅炉

  coal-gas producer 煤气发生炉

  coal-powder boiler 煤粉炉

  coal-tar asphalt 煤焦油沥青

  coal-tar hydrocarbon 煤焦油烃

  coal-tar products 煤焦油产品

  coal-tar resin 煤焦油树脂

  coal-unloading machine 卸煤机

  coal-whipper 卸煤机

  coal-winning machine 采煤机

  coalescer 聚结剂

  coalfish oil 鳕肝油

  coaling crane 装煤起重机

  coarse air filter 空气粗滤器

  coarse and fine shearing and punching machine 粗精剪冲机

  coarse bobs 粗棉线大网眼窗纱

  coarse breaker 粗碎机

  coarse calico 粗平布

  coarse carpenter file 粗木工锉

  coarse classifier 粗选机

  coarse cloth 粗织物

  coarse coir fibre 粗椰壳纤维

  coarse crusher 粗碎机

  coarse cut file 粗纹锉

  coarse drill 粗斜纹

  coarse earthenware 粗陶器

  coarse fibre 粗纤维

  coarse filament 粗丝

  coarse file 粗锉

  coarse flat file 粗扁锉

  coarse grass cloth 粗夏布

  coarse grit scythe 粗硬大镰刀

  coa rse hair sheep skin plate 粗毛绵羊皮褥子

  coarse half round file 粗半圆锉

  coarse jig 粗粒跳汰机

  coarse knife file 粗刀锉

  coarse mesh filter 粗网过滤器

  coarse paper 草纸

  coarse plate 厚钢板

  coarse porcelain 粗瓷

  coarse pulp felt 抄浆毛毯

  coarse rice powder 糙米粉

  coarse rope 粗绳

  coarse round file 粗圆锉

  coarse salt 粗盐

  coarse sand 粗沙

  coarse screen 粗筛

  coarse selsyn 粗示自动同步机

  coarse sheepwool 粗绵羊毛

  coarse sheeting 粗平布

  coarse silk 粗罗

  coarse spinner 粗纱机

  coarse spring lamb wool 粗春羔毛

  coarse square file 粗方锉

  coarse staple fibre 粗短纤维

  coarse stoneware 粗炻器

  coarse thread screw 粗螺纹螺钉

  coarse thread tap 粗螺纹丝锥

  coarse tow 短亚麻纤维

  coarse triangular file 粗三角锉

  coarse wheel 粗砂轮

  coarse wool carpet 粗毛地毯

  coarse yarn fabric 粗支纱织物

  coarse yarn 粗支纱

  coarse-crush machine 粗碎机

  coarse-grained granite 粗粒花岗岩

  coarse-grained steel 粗晶粒钢

  coarse-range scope 距离粗测器

  coarse-scale modulator 粗刻度调制器

  coarse-tooth milling cutter 粗齿铣刀

  coarsely ground foundry sand 红砂粉

  coarser knit 粗针距针织物

  coast defence radar 海防雷达

  coastal defense missile 海岸防卫导弹

  coastal passenger-cargo ship 沿海客-货轮

  coastal surveying ship 沿海测量船

  coastal tug boat 沿海拖船

  coastal-gunfire-control radar 海岸炮火控制雷达

  co aster brake 脚闸

  coaster 杯垫

  coaster 考斯特牌汽车

  coat and hat hook 衣帽钩

  coat and hat rack 衣帽架

  coat and hat stand 衣帽架

  coat button 衫钮

  coat collar 大衣领

  coat dress 开襟明钮女式长服

  coat for men 男上衣

  coat for women 女上衣

  coat front padding 上衣前身垫衬

  coat furred with mouton on collar and at cuffs 皮领皮袖口大衣

  coat hanger 衣架

  coat hook 衣钩

  coat nail 挂衣钉

  coat of corduroy fabric for women 灯芯绒女式上衣

  coat of hyacinth bean 扁豆衣

  coat style pajamas 大衣式睡衣裤

  coat style sweater 外衣式毛线衫

  coat style uniform with shank button to hem 大衣式前身由上至下钉钮的制服

  coat suit 外套套装

  coat 男式上衣

  coat-core fibre 皮芯纤维

  coated abrasive grinder 砂带磨床

  coated abrasive 矿纸

  coated art paper 涂布美术纸

  coated bond paper 涂布证券纸

  coated duplex board with grey back 灰底白板纸

  coated duplex board with white back 白底白板纸

  coated electrode 涂剂焊条

  coated fiber sensor 涂覆光纤传感器

  coated fiber 涂层纤维

  coated filament 涂层长丝

  coated filter 镀膜滤色镜

  coated glass 镀膜玻璃

  coated intaglio printing paper 涂布凹版印刷纸

  coated lens 镀膜透镜

  coated lithograph paper 石版印刷涂布纸

  coated magazine paper 涂布杂志纸

  coated offset paper 涂布胶版纸

  coated offset printing paper 涂布胶版印刷纸

  coated paper 铜版纸

  coated postcard stock 涂布明信片纸

  coated printing paper 涂布印刷纸

  coated rod 涂药焊条

  coated rubber emulsion ae 涂层乳液胶ae

  coated tape 涂粉磁带

  coated tool 涂覆工具

  coatee 紧身短上衣

  coater 涂料器

  coating adhesive 涂层胶

  coating alpaca 羊驼毛上衣料

  coating base paper 涂布原纸

  coating binder 涂布胶粘剂

  coating brush 漆刷

  coating cloth 外套衣料

  coating for internal surface of can 罐内面涂料

  coating for plastic television shell 电视机塑料机壳用涂料

  coating glasses 镀膜眼镜

  coating lubricant 涂料润滑剂

  coating machine 涂层机

  coating material 涂料

  coating oil 涂覆油

  coating paper 涂布纸

  coating resin 涂料用树脂

  coating technology of new type reflective and ornamental surface 新型反光装饰镀膜技术

  coating thickness gauge 涂层厚度测量仪

  coating velvet 上衣丝绒

  coating yellow 涂料黄

  coating 涂料

  coatstand 衣架

  coaxial antenna 同轴天线

  coaxial attenuator 同轴衰减器

  coaxial beam spectrometer 共轴光束光谱仪

  coaxial cable amplifier 同轴电缆放大器

  coaxial cable plug 同轴电缆插头

  coaxial cable pulse echo tester 同轴电缆脉冲回波测试仪

  coaxial cable superconducting wire 股绞电缆超导线

  coaxial cable 同轴电缆

  coaxial cavity frequency meter 同轴空腔频率计


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