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[ 转贴自:本站原创    点击数:3634    更新时间:2006/5/12 ]
医疗用语 Medical Treatment
1.医生,我病了。 1. I’m ill, doctor.
2.你有什么病? 2. What’s the trouble with you?
3.昨天晚上我发高烧到39.50。 3. I had a temperature of 39.5 degrees last night.
4.我卧床不起已经两天了。 4. I’ve been laid up in bed for two days.
5.我不舒服。 5. I don’t feel well.
6.我觉得很疲乏。 6. I feel tired out.
7.我得了重感冒。 7. I have (caught) a bad cold.
8.前几天我传染上了流行性感冒。 8. I had a touch of flu a few days ago.
9. 我感到发烧。 9. I feel feverish.
10.我感到发冷。 10. I feel chilly.
11.我心脏病发了。 11. I have heart trouble.
12.我呕吐。 12. I have been vomiting.
13.我泻肚子。 13. I have diarrhea.
14.我咳嗽。 14. I have a cough.
15.我头痛(胃痛,牙痛,喉咙痛。耳朵痛,眼睛痛)。 15.I have a headache (stomach-ache, tooth-ache, sore throat ,ear-ache or sore eye)
16.我便秘,已经三天没有大便了。 16. I have constipation and haven’t moved my bowels for three days.
17、我感到发晕。 17. I feel dizzy.
18、我觉得浑身发痛。 18. I seem to have pains all over me.
19、今天我咳得很历害。 19. My cough iv very troublesome today.
20、我咳得很历害,特别在夜间。 20. I cough a lot, especially during the night.
21、你的胃口怎么样? 21. How is your appetite.
22、我的胃口不好(不坏,很好)。 22. My appetite is bad (not bad or good)
23、这两天我几乎没吃东西。 23. I have scarcely eaten anything these two days.
24、我嘴巴发苦。 24. I have a bad taste in my mouth.
25、让我给你量一下体温。 25. Let me take your temperature.
26、让我给你量一下血压。 26. Let me take your blood pressure.
27、我给你胸部透视一下。 27. I’ll give you a chest X-ray.
28、请你把衬衣解开,让我听一下你的心肺。 28. Please unbutton your shirt and let me listen to your heart and lungs.
29、让我诊一下你的脉搏。 29. Let me feel your pulse.
30、你得进行一次全身检查一下。 30. You must have a general check-up
31、现在我给你全身检查一下。 31. Now, I’ll give you a general check-up.
32、为了可靠起见,我想把你的大小便化验一下。 32. To play safe, I’d like to get specimens of your stool and urine for analysis them.
33、你需要验血(痰)。 33. You must have a blood (sputum) test.
34、你得检查一下肝(肾)功能。 34. Let’s see about your liver (kidneys).
35、哪里痛? 35. Where is the pain?
36、你很痛吗? 36. Are you in much pain?
37、是的,我很痛。 37. Yes, I’m in great pain.
38、不,不大痛。 38. No, the pain is not very bad.
39、时痛时不痛。 39. It hurts now and then.
40、痛好了一些。 40. The pain is better now.
41、你觉得这些地方都痛吗? 41. Have you any pain round here?
42、哎唷!就在这里痛。 42. Ow! Yes, just there.
43、把舌头伸出来给我看看。 43. Show me your tongue.
44、有舌苔。 44. Your tongue is coated.
45、恐怕是肺炎(痢疾,传染性肝炎,胃炎)。 45. I’m afraid it is pneumonia.(dysentery, infectious hepatitis or gastritis)
46、你得的是急性阑尾炎,需要动手术。 46. You have acute appendicitis and must have an operation.
47、动手术的时候要给他什么麻醉? 47. What sort of anesthesia will he have during the operation.
48、请你给他局部麻醉(全身麻醉,针剌麻醉)。 48. Please give him a local anesthesia (general anesthesia or acupuncture anesthesia).
49、让我来给你扎几针。 49. Let me treat you with acupuncture.
50、你需要吃流质食物。 50. You must be put on a liquid diet.
51、你得吃些滋补药(维生素)。 51. You must take a tonic (some vitamins).
52、请注意,你最好不要抽烟、喝酒。 52. Listen, please, You had better stop smoking and drinking.
53、他需要住院治疗(观察)。 53. He must stay in hospital for treatment (observation).
54、我能很快把病治好吗? 54. Will I be well soon?
55、人很快就会好的。 55. You’ll be all right in no time.
56、愿你很快就好。 56. I hope you’ll be well soon.
57、我手指(膝盖,脚,臂,肩,肩胛骨,背,手腕,颈,肘,手背)痛。 57. My finger (knee, foot, arm , shoulder, shoulder blade, back, wrist, neck, elbow or back of the hand) is sore.
58、你哪个手臂痛? 58. Which arm is sore?
59、右臂(腿,脚踝骨,眼,耳)痛,就在这儿痛。 59. My right arm (leg, ankle, eye or ear hurts. It hurts right here.
60、我背(胸,尾骨,坐骨,肋骨,关节)痛。 60. I’ve got a pain in my back (chest, tail-bone, ischium, ribs or joint).
61、我的腿受伤了。 61. I have hurt my leg.
62、我把手指头(手)割破了。 62. I’ve cut my finger (hand).
63、请给我包扎。 63. Please put on a dressing.
64、他从舱口掉下来。 64. He fell down from the hatch.
65、他当场失去知觉。 65. He lost consciousness on the spot.
66、他现在神志昏迷。 66. He is delirious.
67、他要动手术。 67. He must have an operation.
68、出血了。 68. It’s bleeding.
69、请把血止住。 69. Please stop the bleeding.
70、我的牙齿一阵阵地痛得很厉害。 70. I’ve had severe twinges of toothache.
71、这颗牙齿一定要拔去。 71. This tooth will have to come out (be extracted).
72、我需要补牙。 72. I need a filling.
73、你必须注射青霉素和卧床休息。 73. You must take penicillin injections and stay in bed.
74、我对青霉素过敏。 74. I am hypersensitive (allergic) to
75、让我给你开些内服药(药片,药丸,药水,药膏)。 75. Let me prescribe some medicine for you (tablets, pills, liquid medicine, salve).
76、这些药片一天三次,饭后(前)服, 76. Take these tablets three times a day after (before) meals.
77、四小时一次,每次五滴。 77. Five drops every four hours.
78、代理先生,请你尽快派一位医生来。 78. Mr. Agent, please send a doctor as quickly as possible.
79、船上发生工伤,请你立刻派一辆救护车来,越快越好。 79. An accident happened on board; please send an ambulance at once. The sooner, the better.
80、请你每天上午告诉我们关于病人的治疗情况。 80. Please tell us about the treatment of the patient every morning.
81、我们打算派两名船员照顾病人。并请给我们作好安排。 81. We intend to send two crew members to take care of the patient. Please make the necessary arrangements for us.
82、病人不大会说英语,请安排一名会说中国话的护士。 82. The patient does not speak much English. Please arrange for a nurse who can speak Chinese to attend him.
83、离海港最近的是哪个医院? 83. Which is the nearest hospital from the harbor?
84、离海港最近的是哪个医院? 84. Where is the registration office?
85、挂号处在哪里? 85. Please show me the way to the outpatient department.
86、请你在这张表上签个名。 86. Please sign this form.
87、一共多少钱?请记在我们代理的帐上。 87. What will it be altogether? Please charge it to our agents account
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