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简短对话(Short Dialogues)2      

[ 转贴自:本站原创    点击数:3002    更新时间:2006/5/12 ]
简短对话 Short Dialogues
F——外国港口装卸领班 F——The Foreman of a foreign port
C——中国船大副 C——The Chief Officer of a Chinese Vessel
F:我可以进来吗? F:May I come in?
C:请进。哦!领班先生,你早。 C:Oh,Mr. Foreman, good morning.
F:大副,你早 F:Good morning Mr. Chief Mate
C:请坐 C:Take a seat, please.
F:谢谢 F:Thank you.
C:抽烟吗? C:Cigarette?
F:不,谢谢。医生关照不要抽烟。 F:No, thanks, doctor’s orders.
C:你喜欢喝茶,还是喝咖啡? C:Which do you like, tea or coffee?
F:请来一杯中国红荼。 F:A cup of China black tea, please
C:有什么事吗? C:Anything I can do for you?
F:我想告诉你明天下午我们就要把货卸完了 F:I’d like to tell you we’ll finish discharging tomorrow afternoon.
C:那太好了。顺便提一下,今晚我们有电影,假如你有空的话,请来看吧。 C:It’s very good. By the way, there is a film on tonight. Please come over, if you are free
F;谢谢。什么电影? F:Thank you. What’s the film about?
C:彩色电影“东方红” C:A color film called “The East Is Red”.
F:太好了!我一定来。 F:Wonderful! I’ll be there.
C:那么我等你啦。 C:I’ll be expecting you then.
F:好啊,再见! F:All right. Good-bye!.
C:再见! C:Good-bye!
(b) (b)
CT——外国港口理货领班 CT——The Chief Tally of a foreign port
C——中国船大副 C——The Chief Officer of a Chinese vessel!
CT:大副先生,能不能在下周头几天安排一个时间谈谈关于破损货的问题 CT:Mr.Chef Officer,I wonder if we could arrange talk about the damaged cargo at some time early next week..
C:恐怕我那时候没空,你早一点来不好吗? C:I’m afraid I won’t be free then. Don’t you think it would be better to come earlier?
CT:好吧,那让我想一想。除了星期六,哪一天都行。星期五上午怎样? CT:Well, let me see. Any day except Saturday. What about Friday morning?
C:假如对你合适的话,那对我是最方便的了 C:That’ll be the most convenient time for me, if it’s all right with you.
CT:那就这样定了 CT:Then that’s settled
C:请你在10~12点之间到我办公室来找我 C:Please look me up at my office between ten and twelve.
CT:行。我现在我该走了。给你添麻烦了吧 CT:All right. I must be off now. I hope I haven’t inconvenienced you too much.
C:哪儿的话 C:Not at all.
CT:再见! CT:Good-bye!
C:再见! C:Good-bye!
附加词语 Additional Words and Expressions
约会 Engagement, appointment
与……约会 To make an engagement with
访问,参观 To visit
访问某人 To pay a visit
邀请 To invite
应邀 Upon invitation
邀请,请贴 invitation
为了招待… in honor of
真心诚意地 Sincerely
热诚地,真诚地 Cordially
好的,当然 By all means of course.
延迟,暂缓 To postpone
失望 To be disappointed
陪同 Accompany
名片 Card , visiting card
介绍信 A letter of introduction
主人\客人 Host\guest
接待室,会客室 Drawing room, reception room
初次见面 First interview
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